By Sis. Leticia Shelton Dickerson AME Church in Frostburg, Maryland and the Allawadrick Area Missionaries continue to do the work of our Lord in our community, and outside our community by supporting our students and local food bank, for which the Frostburg State University (FSU) Campus Food Bank was recently added.
We collected back-to-school supplies to help give our students a heads-up on their education. Teachers were also honored over two Sundays to recognize those that worked with students and got a gift of love when their names were called to come forward.

We supported the Summer Lunch Box Programs in our community and stuffed bags for the upcoming Block Party which was held to welcome the students back to school. Our gift bags were the hit of Frostburg; they were inspirational shiny bags with scriptures on each one and contained goodies inside. People were asking where we got the bags, and they thought they were for sale. They were told that there was no the price as it had already been paid in full.
We helped families in need whether due to sickness or other circumstances--if they need help, and we can help, then we do. We continue to check in on the sick, and shut-in, with calls, or in person. We also helped a family by purchasing items and providing monetary donations for their sons to kick off the school year. It really eased the burden on the family. We showed the family true love and let them know that we were still praying for their healing.

We also supported Harper Strong, a local little girl who was so sick that we almost lost her--but God had other plans for this little girl who brought a town together. The community shut down the main street, and first responders from near and far as well as the Governor of Frostburg (at the time) led the parades to the two Elementary Schools as everyone put out a purple heart on their mailboxes, and balloons—so Dickerson did the same, as we stood on the streets to wave hello to this little girl that brought our town even closer.
Wherever the Lord leads us to help, we will continue to do our best. We are small in structure, but our structure of love becomes very large when it comes to giving from our hearts.
Pictured: Gift bags for students; Dickerson, Frostburg Missionaries providing items to a family in need; purple hearts and balloons for Harper.