Second Episcopal District African Methodist Episcopal Church
"Expanding, elevating, and empowering, we are women called to discipleship."

Emily Anderson, 3rd Vice President
Emily Anderson, a native of Cross, South Carolina, currently resides in Greenbelt, Maryland. She has been a member of the AME Church all of her life. In 1996, Emily became a member of Reid Temple and joined the Queen Jefferson Women’s Missionary Society (QJWMS), the Wedding Ministry and the Women’s Ministry. In the QJWMS, she served as PME Director for three years and Director of the Young People and Children’s Division (YPD) for six years teaching children and young people to “Grow, Glow, and Go for Christ” on the local, Conference, District and Connectional levels. Currently, she serves as the 2nd Vice President of the QJWMS, and the Third Vice President of the Washington Conference Women’s Missionary Society.
Emily attended the University of South Carolina and received a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology and a Master of Social Work degree. Emily is a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker in the District of Columbia and Maryland and is truly dedicated to helping others. Also, she enjoys sewing, reading, traveling, and spending time with her family and friends. She has one son, Anthony Johnson. Emily truly believes that with Christ, all things are possible, and that we are our brother’s keeper.