Second Episcopal District African Methodist Episcopal Church
"Expanding, elevating, and empowering, we are women called to discipleship."

WCB WMS Annual Day Convention
Letter of Instructions
Greeting Local Presidents:
I want to thank each of you for your outstanding service to communities across the Washington Conference this Conference Year. You have been intentional, creative, impactive, and consistent in your service. Therefore, as we come to the end of these good works, the following are instructions and deadlines for registration for the WCB WMS Annual Day Convention, which will be held on Wednesday, April 10, 2024, at 7:30 am at Kingdom Fellowship AME Church, 11710 Beltsville Dr, Calverton, MD. Upon registering, a continental breakfast will be enjoyed, followed by the Tanner Turner Service. Immediately following our Business Session and Elections, all missionaries and associates will remain in the sanctuary for the Women in Ministry Service which will start at 12:00 pm.
The boxed lunch will be available after the service. The dinner break will be from 5:00 pm to 6:15 pm. The Night in White Service starts at 7:00 pm. All those who will be capped or pinned should meet in the sanctuary by 6:30 pm.
Please note that the registration process will require that the Local Presidents ensure that the deadlines are adhered to so that we will have a smooth registration as we have done in the past. This will also ensure that those who are properly credentialed to vote can do so. As you know we will be electing officers for the WCB WMS for 2024-2025. We will be voting by voice vote as all offices are uncontested. Therefore, please be mindful of the following items and dates:
Sis. Penny McGruder will provide blank registration spreadsheets to Local Presidents, so they can verify who will be attending the WMS Annual Day.
Spreadsheets will be emailed to Local Presidents by Wednesday, March 6, 2024. This document is due back to Sis. Penny as soon as possible, but not later than Saturday, March 30, 2024. If you do not receive an email from her, please reach out to her immediately.
The member’s status will have to be confirmed as part of the registration process, to affirm that a member is eligible to vote as defined below:
WCB WMS Member - a member who has previously served as a Delegate to a Washington Conference Annual Convention - able to vote
Conference Branch Officer - elected Conference Branch Officers - able to vote
Life Member - certified Life Members - able to vote
Local President – able to vote
Local and Area YPD Directors – able to vote
Delegate - first time attendance at an Annual Convention - able to vote
Associate - male member - unable to vote
Observer - local missionaries or other members of your church who wish to attend, including your Pastor & First Lady (if she is not a member of the WMS) - unable to vote
Payment for Annual Day registration is $70.00 per person and is due from Local Presidents to Sis. Penny by Saturday, March 30, 2024. If you have Pastors or First Ladies who will participate in the lunch, we will let you know the price for them. The registration fee is supportive of the Conference work for Annual Day; continental breakfast, boxed lunch and the Night in White Program. Checks for Annual Day registration should come directly from the Local President or her designee. Please include your Church and Area on the memo line of the check. Remember to return your spreadsheet in that same package. Mail directly to Sis. Penny McGruder, 12005 Rustic Hill Drive, Bowie, MD 20715. Please note the names on the spreadsheet and those who have registered on the website should match.
2. ​Online registration will begin on the WCB WMS website, www.wcbwms.com, on Friday, March 8, 2024.
Local Presidents can determine if they want to register everyone in their society or individual members can chose to register themselves.
A confirmation email will be sent to all who register on the website. Note that the email address provided at registration will be the only email to receive the confirmation of your registration.
If the Local President is registering for all attendees, she must have the following required information for each person being registered: name, email address, phone number, and status (see number 1--member status).
The online registration link will be removed from the WCB WMS website (www.wcbwms.com) on Friday, March 29, 2024, at 8:00 p.m.
​3. As a means of confirming Annual Day registrants, Local Presidents will be sent a listing of those who registered on the website. This listing will also be sent to Sis. McGruder by March 30, 2024, and confirmation and/or changes must be sent via email to Sis. Trina Pugh by March 31, 2024.
If you have questions or need assistance with registration, please know that support is available. Please contact the following with any questions:
WCB WMS Registration - Penny McGruder - pennymc3@verizon.net - 301-805-7719
Online Registration - Trina Pugh - tlump67292@aol.com - 410-446-7589
We look forward to a smooth registration process for our 2024 WMS Annual Day Celebration.
Renee F. Brooks
President, WCB WMS